Our Beautiful Community....

We live in such an amazing, giving community! Every year there is a fundraiser for the music and arts in our schools called My Own Two Hands. They have a theme each year that is sent out to local artists and all the school kids. The theme is the inspiration for the art work. On a Friday night in April the town and local businesses come together and have an art stroll showing off the art work and the musicians of our town. All of the school kids get together and have a parade with their creations.
I have been a part of the fund raiser since the beginning. And now with my kids becoming more and more involved I find myself taking part in all the activities. This was my first year at the parade..... So fun to see the kids and teachers out celebrating our community and "Looking Up". (the theme of the year)

Here are a few pics I took at the parade....


Our Beautiful Community....

Our Beautiful Community....

Our Beautiful Community....

Our Beautiful Community....

Our Beautiful Community....