When you are out for the count....

I am working on day 10 of a cold... quite hard for this girl who likes to do things as well as has lots to do. Alas when your sick your sick....I found myself in our big red chair watching TV. I have finished the series Orange is the new Black. Interesting...series, I am curious if they will come out with a season 2.

What do I do while I sit and sneeze...

I cuddle under lots of colors to make me happy...


I knit.... and pick up knitting projects that I haven't worked on in ages but think I might be able to finish. Wishful thinking...


I think a lot about all of the unfinished projects in the studio....even wonder around thinking I might have enough energy to work on a project but find myself back in the big red chair but now with a sketch book and paper.


Got some great sketches with this cold.....and once I am bored with that I move onto embroidery....


I am doing this embroidery out of the sketch above for an Artist Satchel that I want to make to take on a trip to Mexico with my husband in November. We are celebrating 10 years of marriage with a trip to a beach to do nothing... except I will have my sketch book and camera and possibly knitting - yes, for sure knitting. I hope that I can get it done. I have this great vision in my head of what it will look like. Now it is just bringing it to life...

I think I am on the upswing of this cold...and at least it was somewhat productive time in the big red chair.

