Good-Bye Color of the Week...

Good- Bye Color of the Week... you have been good to me.

Over the past year I have been pushed at times to find images of a certain color.


I found out that most of my photographs of blue are of the sky. It was my hardest color to find photos of. Which I find very interesting because my favorite color is turquoise.


All of the neutrals were the easiest and I loved finding just the right ones.


Sometimes I had to call my husband to ask him what he thought of a color because I had no words.


I made a point of posting at least 7 photos of the color. And at times I know I took creative license in picking photos...


I tried to make sure that not all of my photos were of nature. My favorite thing to photograph is the natural world. I wanted to show color in unexpected places.


I loved using my Hipstamatic App on my phone to take photos, sometimes they ended up perfect for colors others not so much. It was unexpected and exciting.


I saw color in more depth than I ever have....

I have been overwhelmed with the response to Your Favorite Color of the Week... thank you so much for all of your kind words. They make my heart so full....I wish I could give some fabric to everyone who took the time to comment.

The kiddos and I picked winners and I will be emailing you directly.

Have a great day!!!!





Color of the Week... Pomegranate



Kona Solid




Pomegranate is such a rich, bold and vibrant color. Over the years I have grown to love all pinks. I think it is my sweet little girls that have opened me to the color. I love this color in the garden...

















I found that all my Pomegranate photographs were of flowers....I am going to try to find other Pomegranate things in my life this week...

Have a great day!!



Doing another drawing this weekend....Don't forget to comment to be entered to win! Or post a pic on Instagram @valoriwells #valscoloroftheweek or on Facebook Valori Wells Designs page....




I have been going through all my photographs for inspirational images to put in my book and I came across a few that I had to pull out because I thought they made great quilt ideas....


This is actually a photo of a photograph in a hotel room. It completely changed once I took a photo of it. I love the graphic qualities.


I love the simplicity of these dried plants on the white background. I am not sure what I will do with these images but they sparked something. You never know where creativity will be found. Keep your eyes open for all the possibilities hidden around you in your everyday life.

What will you be inspired by today?



Coming Soon...

Been working like a mad woman the last couple months on all the projects and the spring market booth for Wish. Wish is my new collection of fabric that is coming out this spring.
Today the family is joining me for a photo scouting trip. Trying to find a perfect place for Monday's photoshoot. More to come soon!

Coming Soon...

Simply Made Summer from the Oregon Coast....

Hello all.....enjoying a little vacation from the hub bub at the beach with my family...It was wonderful weather the last two days and today is a little wet and cloudy. Typical Oregon Coast.....

We make an annual trip to the beach in between Rodeo and Quilt Show.....kind of a mental break for all of us. We are just missing my brother's family but they went to Hawaii instead. Yeah, don't feel bad for him at all!!!!

So, this week I wanted to share my Rosalie is a Hexagon quilt (my mom tells me that hexagons are really big right now). The best part o the sewing card is that there are two sizes with the same layout but just different size hexagons. You can make a queen or a throw.


This is the queen version using all of the Cocoon cottons..... I love the way it turned out.

I was out shooting some quilts for our summer postcard and I had to take Rosalie.....

Such a perfect spot to take is SO Sisters.

To go with this beautiful quilt......a easy project for anyone - fabric gift box!

So easy to  make......


This will give you the instructions and one of the box templates....the download will have the full size template in two different sizes. Perfect hostess gift for the summer party. Download FabricGiftBoxes-web-1   Download FabricGiftBoxes-web-2

I like the inside of my box to be interesting also, so I printed on the can stamp or put another piece of fabric on the inside.

Well off to hang with the family on this rainy beach day.....




January 20, 2012....

I find that when I go through change I retreat, into myself, into my studio, but that is when my best growth comes out of me. I can honestly say I have changed so much over my 38 years. Or maybe change is not all that has gone on, I have discovered so much about myself, who I am and who I want to be. Not always an easy road for me.

Recently I have been wanting to get my tattoo for Teague. And the only person I want to do it is a old college friend, Cheyenne Sawyer. He gave me my arm band in college…. I love that piece no matter how simple it is. I think about who I was in college….I was….uummm, in my 20’s and still trying to find myself. I was a bit of a basket case at times and I really went through a ton of growth in college. But I am so different now than then.  Really only recently can I say I have  truly found myself….REALLY….38 and finally feeling secure in who I am, loving who I am. Finding my balance and feeling grounded. And with this new found confidence my creativity has soared.

I have been in a “retreat” mode for several months…..thinking…….but still trying to get work done. As I come out of my cave I realize how much I have neglected my blog and my photography, my art, painting etc….just been off. Time to rectify that….

Step One - start blogging again rather than just thinking about blogging and then not making the time for it just do it!

Step Two - Find your love of Photography and Painting again.

To accomplish both of these Ross and I have gone away for the weekend....we find ourselves in Portland. We are sitting 7 stories up at the Vintage Plaza on the corner of Washington and Broadway. Working….Yes, working. I have a fabric deadline and worked this morning on them but this afternoon feel the need to blog. Show some of the cool city shots I have taken with the new addition to my family….the PEN.

My new camera.....LOVE!! It is compact but packs a punch - the Oympus Pen E-P3.

Our drive over Mount Hood. We traveled over this pass because there was a landslide on Hwy 20 - Santiam Pass.  Nice to have a change of scenery.


Yep - THE STAG.....we were so tempted to stop!


Of course there are some Hipstamatic images included...just can't help myself!!!



Foggy, rainy, beautiful Portland! I really do love this city!


Mother's Cafe is one our favorite places to eat. We decided we would sit in the bar because we don't get to do that much...I didn't have to ask for a booster seat and I got to enjoy my meal with out scolding a child. We are on vacation!!! WOO HOO!


My beautiful, wonderful sister-in-law, Stephanie got us a suite at the Vintage Plaza downtown. WOW! Love!


Our View.....



I love the grey light of the city in the winter...sounds funny but the color is amazing and the rain can be great to shoot in. I don't miss living in the rain but LOVE to visit.





I find the city to be a new source of inspiration one that I haven't explored in a long time.


See Ross worked! I swear he is not on Facebook!


This is what I worked on......

Then we had afternoon cocktails.....



So I will leave you heading up the spiral staircase to get dressed for dinner in the city.....


with thoughts of water named FRED......and....


little metal moose on the wall......

Sweet Dreams!


After Market.....

I am so guilty....not sending any pre-view of Karavan booth and new patterns before market.....

I have no excuse....

Jules was shipped in a large box to the hotel in Houston...I carried her over from the hotel to the convention center. Funny got a lot comments, "did you know you have an elephant on your back?" Really?! .....I think mom got a picture. I'll have to check. Needless to say Jules stole the show. The bell of the ball.... and we got the Second Place award for the booth. I was thrilled! It was the first time that  I have done a booth at the fall market in Houston. But I think it was worth it since I was introducing a new substrate....the yummy Jersey Knit. Karavan Jersey Knit was a huge least to me. We will see...It just seemed like everyone was mentioning that they have been looking to introduce some jersey to their shops. Good Timing.....

And now for the few photos I have...I was a bit distracted in setting up and doing the schoolhouses and lecture that I didn't even take out my other camera...these are all my iphone photos - with my FAVORITE app ever Hipstamatic....




Sondy and I on Sunday, wearing the Isabelle Skirt and the Sondy Top - which I made into a dress.

Jules after she received her new earring.....

Jules got her picture taken more than me....but this time they wanted us both.


Can't believe that is all the photos I took....I do have some new patterns that I will post quits and clothes.

Good Night my friends....

