A little embroidery...

Hello Friends....

I love embroidery. Over the years I have embroidered bits and pieces of my fabric designs. Adding stitching to quilts, bags, and pillows whatever I can think of that will add a little more texture and color to a project. My flora design in Mystic is perfect for embroidery.


I like to make something for my mom at Christmas and this year at the last minute I decided to embroidery on the grey canvas Flora to make into a pillow for her. It is perfect colors for her house. This is the modern canvas from Robert Kaufman so it is light weight compared to traditional canvas. It is perfect for pillows and bags...



I added some gold piping which worked really well at accenting the gold in the embroidery. The great thing about taking a printed fabric and adding embroidery is that you don't have to embroider the entire pillow. Just add to the design of the fabric. My mom loved it...


She has now started one for a friend of hers.... it is in progress so I thought I would show you how easy it is to embroider a little fabric and make something...


Here we go in progress. I use three strands of the Aurifil embroidery floss. Tie a knot in one end and use the design printed on the fabric as your guide.




It is that simple.... I like to use a couple of colors in the flower. But it is up to you... maybe an variegated thread. There are so many great fabrics out there that would be perfect for this technique.

I have to share a few photos of Morocco that inspired this new design Flora, from Mystic. It is not a specific flower but the essence of the flora in Morocco...created into a stencil like design....something simple but dramatic.





The roses at Peacock Pavilions were amazing...









The stenciled door in our house at Peacock Pavilions....


And a little henna to round it out.....

The winner of the Gypsum blog bundle giveaway is..... Robin (you have been emailed).

I have more fabric to give away... and with this bundle I am going to include some of the canvas.. just leave a comment to be entered to win. Winner announced on the next blog post this Friday....

Have a great day!!!




Just in case you would like to come to Morocco and do a little creating and exploring... YA SALAM


 Amy Butler’s Ya Salam Exotic Getaway! Marrakesh Morocco
November 5 - 12 2016

Join Amy and David Butler and creative guru Val Wells for an exciting inspiration expedition exploring Marrakesh and all of it’s exotic inspirations!
Our week together will be filled with creative workshops mixed with day trips that take us to fascinating, colorful locals! We’ll scour the souks, visit
historic sites in Marrakesh and have a full day in the Atlas Mountains taking in the natural beauty and tour the rural Berber villages. Our home base
is the gorgeous Peacock Pavilions.  Many of our meals and events will take place at the Pavilions including our creative
workshop sessions. You are in for a treat!



Happy Friday!!!

I wanted to share with you my Gypsum Quilt made out of the black and white palette of Mystic, for Robert Kaufman.


Gypsum was inspired by the Berber Rugs in Morocco and the gep carvings throughout the architecture in Marrakesh. Geps are the carved plasterwork used for upper wall, ceilings, tops of pillars, arches, or peaks... they can be ribbons framing windows and doors. I first saw geps in the Riad Idra in Marrakesh.





I love the Berber rugs... and what is surprising to me is how few photos I have of them. They are very simple and usually geometric, two color designs. The rug designs mixed with the stenciling at the Peacock Pavilions, I was bound to be inspired to do a black and white color way of Mystic and a quilt.




My room at Peacock Pavilions was even neutral....

Once this quilt was done I decided to quilt the Hand of Fatima mixed with designs reminiscent of the geps.

Mayram has an amazing collection of Hands of Fatima at Peacock Pavilions.







I love how the quilting turned out....


So does Ollie....

I have to share a few more images from Morocco that inspired the black and white palette in Mystic.




I hope you enjoyed the inspirational journey of Gypsum. The pattern for Gypsum will be available through The Stitchin' Post this month. I will keep you updated.

The winner from the Kantha Stitching blog post is... Solange (you have been emailed).

As with each quilt and project I share of Mystic there will be a bundle of fabric to win. Leave a comment to be entered... I will announce winner on Tuesday.

Hope you have an Awesome weekend....



OH... One more really important thing. My good friend Amy has her newest Blossom Magazine Live... If you want to be inspired...find some love....some meaning... go check it out. Our trip to Morocco is in there and the exciting announcement that there is a new Morocco Artist Retreat in November 2016... and I am going to be teaching with Amy.....




Flying Carpet

Happy Saturday....

This is Flying Carpet, one of the four quilts made out of Mystic Fabric, for Robert Kaufman.


Flying Carpet was inspired by the rugs and carpets in Morocco.

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The variety of styles and colors were amazing....each style representing a tribe or area in Morocco.




No rug was exactly the same because they were usually made by one woman - their skills passed down from generation to generation and no pattern is used just their knowledge. I loved that you could see two rugs from the same village with similar patterns still be very different.


I had to include this cute little guy. Kitties are well revered in Morocco... they take care of the rodents since most of the markets and homes are open air. You will find them everywhere.... I was in heaven.

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In honor of Flying Carpet I am giving away a fat 1/4 bundle of the "extract" palette....just leave a comment below and the winner will be chosen on Monday. My manor of choosing winners is not scientific, I collect the number of comments (say 35) and write them on little pieces of paper and let one of the kids draw. So it really is quite random. Don't worry this isn't your only chance to win....I will be giving away a bundle of fabric with each quilt.

Hope you have a great weekend!



The flying carpet pattern will be available mid January from The Stitchin' Post.

Inspiration and 2015...

Happy New Year!

I have been thinking a lot about what I am doing with my work, my life, pondering my existence. I am not trying to be dramatic or am thinking I have a horrible life. More along the lines of, what am I giving back? Is this a thing that happens when your 40+, you completely over analyze your life…. My family is first, of course, I am here to take care of them but there is more…. I want to inspire more than I do now. But inspire what? I don’t know the answer… maybe that is part of the discovery. I am on a search with my work finding my place…I am scared to lose my career by not staying relevant, to not be able to support my family. But there is a time when it is important to push your creativity and your work to a new level. The fear is unhealthy…. Focusing on being scared to make a change makes you unable to move forward. Turning that fear into curiosity is giving me the courage to make changes and take chances. This has sparked these thoughts of what my work is meant to be. Yes, I love it and it fuels my soul but I need more from it. I need it to fuel others.…I want to inspire… even if it is just to look at your day a little different. Maybe its just a photo that inspires a smile…. Or a fabric that inspires the need to create a quilt…. Or a quilt that fills you with the desire to sew…. In all of this I want to spread Love. I want to find Love…. Let go of the Fear. My goal is to let go of my own fears, insecurities and pure bullshit that I have convinced myself is true. My bad habits of self doubt can snowball into my daily tasks. I am ready to change my habits and theories and to grow, embracing it all. Part of this journey in my life is to inspire others. Now I just have to figure out what that looks like…

I am learning to look at myself with a loving eye and should revel in sharing with you my photography that speaks a lot better than I write, if that can be a true statement – images verse writing. I should show you what I see…and in what I see, I find Love… I photograph what I love. And Love is so many things…it’s a feeling, a object, a person, a memory, a smell, a sight, a sound, a taste…. couldn’t we make love anything and everything……and if we did wouldn’t the world revolve around love rather than fear?

So, I share with you my Love… 12 images, one from each month of 2015 that inspire me, that remind me of the love in my life, and how blessed I am.


Experimenting with screen printing onto appliqued circles. I love experimenting and taking chances when I am in the studio. The success and the mistakes are all part of being an artist and I am constantly striving to be a better at what I create.


Morocco filled my head in February as I designed Mystic, my most recent collection of fabric from Robert Kaufman. Filtering through all of the images that I shot in Morocco filled my head with so many ideas that there are more than one Moroccan inspired fabric collection in the works.


Photography....it is such a love of mine...and when it all comes together you click the shutter at just the right time and you capture magic. This photograph of Olivia is magic...she is so full of love and it comes through in this image. I take thousands of photos a year and I strive to capture something special every time.

My sketchbook goes everywhere with me.....along with this little tin of watercolors that I made in Morocco. The tin is the perfect size for travel and filled with huge memories that inspire me every time I pull it out. I think of what I learned about myself on my trip and how I learned from those I traveled with, they started as strangers and left as friends you hold close to your heart.


It may sound odd but I remind myself everyday that I am love...I am open to love and I love fiercely. Try it sometime you'll be amazed at how good it makes you feel!!!


These little kittens that have turned our house upside down.... in the best way ever. They are my constant companions in the studio and the kids best friends... they have even made Ross, the so-so cat person, fall in love with them....They remind me to be in the moment...and they are just so FUZZY!


Mother Nature at her best...nothing but inspirational.


We travel to the Oregon Coast at least twice a year and usually go to the same beach, Manzanita. I am always amazed that I can find something new to see... take photos, sketch and be inspired by. It could be the time of year mixed with where I am in my life... what am I open to seeing.


The spring of 2015 the kids and I planted 300 sunflower seeds.... there were several casualties due to rodents but we got most of them to bloom. Our yard was such a happy place surrounded by sunflowers of all different sizes and colors garden beds filled with veggies and flowers....AHHH summer!


I fell in love with Indigo dying...I mean how couldn't you...The color.... the endless possibilities! Part of the joy of Indigo dying was learning the process with my mom, one of her friends and my daughter Olivia.  Three generations of women creating beautiful fabric together.


Block printing has become a huge part of my work. It has been a love of mine since college and I am finding it to be a new inspiration for design.... to see what happens when designs are repeated, mixed together and layered. 


 This crew is my biggest inspiration and love...their love and patience with me is unwavering. I hate to admit it but I am  kind of a moody artist and these four people love me anyway.

I wish you a wonderful 2016 inspired by the unpredictable and familiar, seen in a new light.... inspired by your time with those you love and the quiet space in which you can reflect.....

Be grateful and live your life out of Love!





Inspired by.... Clouds

May in Sisters, Oregon... rainy (which we are all very, very, very, happy about since our winter was extremely dry) and full of great clouds. May is also a busy time for me. I just returned from Quilt Market and we are 6 weeks away from Quilter's Affair and Sisters Outdoor Quilt Show....OMG how does that happen so fast? Reminding myself to breathe and enjoy the excitement of preparing to celebrate 40 years of quilt show.... and this weekend is the shop's 40th birthday party....all of these things will happen only once and I have to remember to be there..... 

The Clouds this time of year really speak to me... oddly enough keeping me grounded and in the moment.



Living on a canyon we get really amazing fog...




and then this happens....




Oregon Coast has fabulous clouds...


Who doesn't photograph clouds when your flying?



I couldn't show photos of clouds without some from Morocco.....




A sunset on the roof top of Peacock Pavilions in Marrakesh, Morocco! When I see this image I can remember the smell of the air, giggling with Louise as we ran out of the main house to the roof top to capture this amazing sunset... trying not to mess up the Henna tattoos we had just received...

Isn't this why we love photographs so much...

Have a great day!




January 20, 2012....

I find that when I go through change I retreat, into myself, into my studio, but that is when my best growth comes out of me. I can honestly say I have changed so much over my 38 years. Or maybe change is not all that has gone on, I have discovered so much about myself, who I am and who I want to be. Not always an easy road for me.

Recently I have been wanting to get my tattoo for Teague. And the only person I want to do it is a old college friend, Cheyenne Sawyer. He gave me my arm band in college…. I love that piece no matter how simple it is. I think about who I was in college….I was….uummm, in my 20’s and still trying to find myself. I was a bit of a basket case at times and I really went through a ton of growth in college. But I am so different now than then.  Really only recently can I say I have  truly found myself….REALLY….38 and finally feeling secure in who I am, loving who I am. Finding my balance and feeling grounded. And with this new found confidence my creativity has soared.

I have been in a “retreat” mode for several months…..thinking…….but still trying to get work done. As I come out of my cave I realize how much I have neglected my blog and my photography, my art, painting etc….just been off. Time to rectify that….

Step One - start blogging again rather than just thinking about blogging and then not making the time for it just do it!

Step Two - Find your love of Photography and Painting again.

To accomplish both of these Ross and I have gone away for the weekend....we find ourselves in Portland. We are sitting 7 stories up at the Vintage Plaza on the corner of Washington and Broadway. Working….Yes, working. I have a fabric deadline and worked this morning on them but this afternoon feel the need to blog. Show some of the cool city shots I have taken with the new addition to my family….the PEN.


My new camera.....LOVE!! It is compact but packs a punch - the Oympus Pen E-P3.

Our drive over Mount Hood. We traveled over this pass because there was a landslide on Hwy 20 - Santiam Pass.  Nice to have a change of scenery.


Yep - THE STAG.....we were so tempted to stop!


Of course there are some Hipstamatic images included...just can't help myself!!!



Foggy, rainy, beautiful Portland! I really do love this city!


Mother's Cafe is one our favorite places to eat. We decided we would sit in the bar because we don't get to do that much...I didn't have to ask for a booster seat and I got to enjoy my meal with out scolding a child. We are on vacation!!! WOO HOO!


My beautiful, wonderful sister-in-law, Stephanie got us a suite at the Vintage Plaza downtown. WOW! Love!


Our View.....



I love the grey light of the city in the winter...sounds funny but the color is amazing and the rain can be great to shoot in. I don't miss living in the rain but LOVE to visit.





I find the city to be a new source of inspiration one that I haven't explored in a long time.


See Ross worked! I swear he is not on Facebook!


This is what I worked on......


Then we had afternoon cocktails.....



So I will leave you heading up the spiral staircase to get dressed for dinner in the city.....


with thoughts of water named FRED......and....


little metal moose on the wall......

Sweet Dreams!


Quilting Arts TV....

Mom and I are heading to Cleveland to tape two programs each for Quilting Arts TV. Should be fun.... I will share more of what we are doing when I can. I shot these photos as we flew into Portland at 6 a.m.
Now off to the Chicago flight!
Have a great day!

Quilting Arts TV....

Quilting Arts TV....

Good Morning...

Olivia, John, my brother, nephew and I are heading to Indianapolis to see mom being inducted into the Quilter's Hall of Fame. Should be fun.... Had to include an early morning (5am) shot of the mountains and a quilt in progress of mom' s....
Have a Great Day!!!

Good Morning...

Good Morning...

Beach trip...

Enjoying a little sunshine on the Oregon Coast in our favorite little town, Manzanita. The whole family is here, we are staying in these awesome condos just across the road from the beach. It has been so nice to take a little break and spend some time together... I love watching the kids play in the sand and the cold, cold ocean! I even have had a little time to draw on some rocks!!! What a great day!

Beach trip...

Beach trip...

Beach trip...

Beach trip...

To market...

We are off to market.... Waiting at the airport... On the adventure is John (papa/babysitter), Sally, Lawry, mom, Teague and I. I nervous as usual and I miss having Carolyn. She is my rock... Keeps me grounded and out of my head. I can get so self conscious it is silly!!
Have a great day'

To market...

To market...


Well, home again but not quite here yet......we had a great weekend at market in Portland but it is so nice to be home. I am such a homebody. The whole family is happy.....anyway, then I had to change hats Monday morning while Kaffe and Brandon were here for the week to teach. We had a inspirational hike on Monday morning - Vi and I went with them to the Metolious river -anyway I am getting distracted....Market.....I didn't get out of the booth much over the weekend - it was so busy that Carolyn and I didn't get much break. I did get a chance to take a few photos....here we go........
Miss Carolyn as we start set up........
My sign and a couple of rose photos that I had printed on canvas and stretched....
in progress.....
Finally......all done. We actually didn't take all that long to get set up.....Carolyn and I actually went back to the hotel painted our toenails.....went shopping then to our dinner date....but back to how the booth ended up.
There is Carolyn....isn't she cute in the Barcelona skirt out of the medallion in Olive Rose?
The other side of the booth. Looked pretty good......
Carolyn and I on Saturday.......here are some detail shots in the booth.
The aprons are from our Lifestyle book.....
easy pillows but look so great........
Grocery Tote from Lifestyle......
Project Bag sewing cards.........

I saw a lot of friends....Amy Butler, Kaffe Fasset, Brandon Mably, Rob Appell....and many new friends that I look forward to getting to know more as we continue to see each other at market....Anna Maria, Heather Bailey, Heather Ross......
Miss Amy in her BEAUTIFUL booth...she is classy and professional and always so generous....gotta love her!!
Amy and I....she had on this beautiful dress that she is going to have as a pattern soon....I love her clothing patterns they fit so well. I don't know much - ok nothing - about designing clothing patterns so I have used Amy's.......
The trio.....Liza, Kaffe, and Brandon......
Mom and Brandon.....Mom left for Italy on Sunday...lucky girl. She has wanted to go for years and finally her and John are off to Tuscany.....I do hope she has a wonderful time she deserves it - she works so hard. Anyway, I am back to figuring out how to do the Flickr thing - I have always downloaded my photos and then changed size, and cropped, and possibly adjusted the image in photoshop and then pulled them up into my blog....I kept hearing about Flickr and thought I would try to figure it out maybe it wont take me so long to post anything and besides that I was recently invited to join Ravelry....those of you who don't knit it is a knitting forum type..... my space sort of place...and to upload photos onto it you use Flickr.....so...that is something I am trying to do this evening...tomorrow is another Kaffe and Brandon class...today they painted, tomorrow and Thursday are patchwork - they use that word rather than quilt, I kinda like it - and Friday is a knitting class with Kaffe and then I will take him to Portland to catch a plane....Different hat to wear this week....it is hard to change my gears so quickly. But it is what you do. Have a great night!!


Last week Violette and I traveled to Cleveland Ohio to tape a internet program, Behind the Seams, with the dynamic host Sara... Saraval
she is great! I really enjoyed getting to know her and the rest of the team....the show is sponsered by Pfaff
I had not spent much time on a Pfaff before - my friend Rob Appel is a big Pfaff fan and dealer and has always tried to get me to try one - well, I quilted on the Pfaff and I have to say it was really nice!!! I might be looking into one........
Baby Vi was a great traveler...... even though on the way home she had her first cold.
Vi now the whole house has been sick.... I seem to have it worse than anyone else. I figure it is better to be sick now than at Christmas..... I just have to get the rest of the presents made..... never a dull moment around here.
Wishing all of you a happy healthy holiday season.